Real talk. Sarah has been through so much trauma. She has been so strong through this whole thing, but honestly, let’s be REAL. It’s okay to have a bad day and today was just one of them.
She has a hard time sleeping at night. She has two tubes coming out her nose, a breathing tube in her neck and almost every part of her body has been poked and prodded. She has bruises down her arms and almost completely covering her hands from all her IV’s. She can’t talk. She gets acid built up in her stomach and has to throw up for it to clear out. She has incisions all over her body. Literally the list is almost endless.Sarah is still a fighter and will continue to fight every day, but today (Aug 25) reality just kinda hit and things were a little sad. AND THAT’S OKAY. She continues to feel loved through the prayers and faith of many thousands of people, so thank you. Sarah is so strong, but some days it’s just okay to be sad too. That’s the pure reality of a situation such as this. And sometimes the best medicine for that is to be sad with her. She has lost a lot and we can all mourn with Sarah.
The highlight of her day was being able to FaceTime her family before bed. We were all able to feel sorrow with her for this whole situation she is going through.
About the picture: When Sarah gets too hot they put freezing cold washcloths all over her body to try to cool her down. It makes her look like a cute little mummy!
😢So sorry. I pray for Sarah and the family, to be and stay resilient.