Sarah gets to see her family!

Aug 24th was one of the greatest days in the last 3 weeks. Sarah was able to go outside for the first time and her family was able to come see her! She loved it!! She has missed them so much and they have missed her so much! The nurses and therapists were so sweet to bring her out to see her family.

She still has her fever off and on and still has a high heart rate. Her CT scan yesterday showed that everything was fine in her abdomen,  but they saw some very small PE’s (pulmonary embolism- very tiny blood clots) in her lungs. They are thinking that those  may be contributing to her fever and high heart rate. They started her on a heparin drip for that. They are still trying to rule out any source of infection too. All other tests are negative so far. She’s very sleepy and getting lots of good rest which her body needs so badly right now.

Overall, today was a good day - the highlight was definitely being able to see her family.  It was awesome!!

We are continuing to pray for her fever and heart rate to go down and for her to get feeling better! Love you sweet girl!


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